My Theme Song and Word for 2014

As I consider this upcoming year, my thoughts have been drawn to a song and a word.

The song speaks of experiences that have been made more real to me in 2013. It also references the eternal. The realization that our souls will never be completely at rest till we’re in the presence of Jesus.

The word that has been coming to my mind time and time again is/was borne out of a season of physical suffering.

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Free Photo Brag Book Shipped to Your Door

Walgreens is offering a sweet deal on a 4.5″ x 6″ brag book. Simply use code, SMALLBOOK to get it free. Additionally, you can stack the code, SHIPIT2ME to get free shipping. This deal ends tomorrow so head over now to get your free book.

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My Grandmamma’s Amazing Graham Cracker Candy

I have memories of my Grandmamma’s graham cracker candy. The other day I heard my dad mention his mother’s unforgettable Christmas candy. I was able to find her recipe and attempted making it for our Christmas. Though its not not quite the same as hers, it’s still delicious. (My confession: I’ve eaten more than my share.)

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Gift Giving at Christmas

It’s that time of year when we often think of blessing our family and friends with gifts. I often wish for creative yet non-elaborate ideas that will be appreciated and useful.

Here are some gift giving ideas and personal thoughts on Christmas giving:

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DIY Dried Apples for a Healthy Snack Option

I was recently at my friend’s place and was offered some delicious dried apples. I noticed each apple slice had a delicate, ruffled edge. I was impressed with my friend’s creation and asked her how she did it. She used an Oneida slicer to thinly cut her pink lady apples. The peeling was left on, thus producing the delicate, ruffled edge once dried. My friend kindly let me borrow her slicer and my mom shared some of her apples with us. I was going to dry the apples in the oven on a low temperature setting; however, when I mentioned to mom what I was going to do with the apples she offered her dryer.

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A Craigslist “Steal” Isn’t Always a Deal!

We’ve been looking for a microwave hutch since our recent move. I’ve been fairly selective about what it should look like; however, the perfect one wasn’t appearing on Craigslist as soon as I was wanting it to. Then on Black Friday afternoon we noticed a white hutch on Craigslist that looked like it had potential for the small vacant space beside our fridge. Initially, when I saw the hutch I wasn’t thrilled with all of its decorative features; however, I decided it would probably be workable. I also knew purchasing a microwave hutch would result in more counter top space in our kitchen. Certainly, this was a win-win situation. Right? Eric called the person who had listed it and asked if we could come yet that afternoon to pick it up.

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